Annual Employee Appraisal

Does the employee possess the necessary job knowledge?

Significantly Exceeding Performance Goals & ExpectationsExcelling in Performance & ExpectationsFully Meeting Standards of Performance & DevelopmentRequires Additional Coaching to Achieve ExpectationsUnacceptable Performance Requiring Review of Expectations
Proficient in skills and understanding required for their position
Exhibits the ability and willingness to learn, excel, & succeed
Makes practical use and application of knowledge in the workplace
Expertise enhances the effectiveness of their position
Displays understanding of how their position relates to others
Requires minimal supervision while performing tasks


Significantly exceeding performance goals and expectationsExcelling in performance and expectationsFully meeting standards of performance and developmentRequires additional coaching to achieve expectationsUnacceptable performance requiring review of expectations
Completes work in a timely manner
Performance is steady and consistent
Streamlines operations to make effective use of time
Self monitors performance


Significantly exceeding performance goals and expectationsExcelling in performance and expectationsFully meeting standards of performance and developmentRequires additional coaching to achieve expectationsUnacceptable performance requiring review of expectations
Prioritizes accuracy and thoroughness
Displays commitment to excellence
Pays close attention to detail
Applies feedback to performance

Does the employee possess the following qualities? Friendly, polite, professional. Maintains a positive outlook. Offers support and assistance to coworkers and customers. Establishes effective relationships. Works to actively resolve conflicts and manages emotional situations. Good representation of the company.